Feasibility Study: Glamping Resorts

In the rapidly growing market of glamping, understanding nuances and market demands is key to success. Sage Outdoor Advisory’s feasibility studies for glamping resorts provide a thorough examination of potential for upscale and unique outdoor accommodations. We focus on ensuring that every aspect of the venture—from concept to completion—is meticulously analyzed to guarantee that it meets market needs and exceeds guest expectations.

Breakdown of Our Glamping Resort Feasibility Studies:

Industry Overview

  • Economic Trends: Examination of economic indicators and their impact on the industry.
  • Tourism Analysis: Insights into tourism patterns and their influence on the market.
  • Outdoor Recreation: Evaluation of outdoor recreational activities and their popularity.
  • Outdoor Hospitality: Trends and forecasts in the outdoor hospitality sector.

Area Analysis

  • Location Assessment: Detailed review of the geographical location and its advantages.
  • Demographics: Analysis of population statistics and demographics relevant to the trade area.
  • Recreation Opportunities: Identification of recreational amenities and their appeal.
  • Demand Generators:  Identification and analysis of key demand generators for the business.
  • Accessibility: Evaluation of transportation infrastructure and accessibility.
  • Area Development: Insights into current and future development projects in the area.

Market Analysis

  • Competitive Summary: Overview of existing competitors and their market positions.
  • Market Opportunities: Identification and analysis of potential market opportunities.
  • New Competition: Assessment of emerging competitors and their potential impact.

Revenue Projection

  • Rates Projection: Forecasting future rates based on market trends and data.
  • Occupancy Trends: Forecasting occupancy rates by unit type and any potential stabilization period.
  • Insights and Trends: Utilization of Sage’s proprietary outdoor hospitality database for trend analysis.

Operating Expense Projection

  • Expense Analysis: Detailed breakdown of projected operating expenses.
  • Industry Averages Comparison: Comparison with industry averages to benchmark performance.

Pro Forma / Net Operating Income

  • 10-Year Pro Forma: Long-term income and expense projections, with a monthly breakdown during the stabilization period.
  • Net Operating Income: Calculation and analysis of projected net operating income.

Site Analysis

  • Zoning Requirements: Review of zoning regulations and compliance.
  • Flood Risk and Wetlands Assessment: Identification of any flood risk and / or wetland areas and related restrictions.
  • Physical Restrictions: Analysis of physical site limitations.
  • Utilities: Evaluation of utility availability and infrastructure.
  • Transportation Analysis: Assessment of transportation links and access.

Development Costs

  • Site Development Costs: Preliminary estimation of site development costs.
  • Unit Cost Projection: Detailed unit cost projection for development of any glamping / lodging units.
  • Amenity Cost Project: Preliminary estimate for all amenities, support structures and FF&E. 
  • Total Cost Projection: Comprehensive total cost estimation for the project.

Feasibility Analysis

  • Debt/Financing Analysis: Calculation of projected debt payments.
  • Debt Coverage Analysis: Evaluation of the project’s ability to cover debt obligations.
  • Net Income to Equity After Debt: Calculation of net income available to equity holders post-debt.
  • Return on Investment Projection: ROI analysis for the proposed project.
  • Feasibility Conclusion and Recommendations: Final feasibility assessment and strategic recommendations.

With a strategic blend of luxury and nature, our feasibility studies help investors and developers create glamping resorts that are not only financially viable but also deliver unforgettable experiences.

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